And so it goes.

Yesterday it took us all day to drive home from New England.

We spent five fabulous days at Hampton Beach with close friends who have been living there for a few months, and then 24 hours returning home from a beach a mere 5 hours and a boarder away.

That’s correct. Twenty four…we stayed at a Marriott in Manchester, took a ferry, stopped at a Target, at a duty free and at about 3 public bathrooms and two route side shrubs and finally made it back into Quebec. One of the side of the route pee-pee stops was mine, and has now become Naya’s favourite way to releive herself.

We collapsed into bed at 10pm to watch a movie while I gulped my Manishevitz (super sweet red passover wine that is this cheap girl’s Port) and were blissfully comatose until 5 am when Naya climbed into our bed to sleep for another 3 hours.

As  I stretched my arms while walking back to my car at Naya’s preschool to work the sleep out of my muscles, it dawned on me that the time away had taken it’s toll because while I locked all the doors and checked the trunk after removing her bag, I had nevertheless left Naya’s passenger door w-i-d-e open. Locked mind you…just….open.

An exciting thing that I discovered while at the otherwise disappointing Target stop was another sticker bra. Like the Bring It Up, this little number is self-adhesive and basically duct tapes your chest into a more favourable position. This one however is to be placed beneath the breast.

Basically, take the sticker, tip forward and allow your breast to stop swinging.

Put the bottom of the sticker on the undersdie of your breast and then the rest of the paper can be removed. It’ll take it’s place around the rest of your breast and give you a delightful cone shapes breat. Until you stand up.

You’ll sigh with shagrin at first but then you will wonder just how low you go when you see just how high you can be.  It works. It’s comfortable and easier to apply than the stick on top one.


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